As of recent, there has been a considerable amount of attention on the awareness of sexual assault. This has been further emphasized through the #METOO movement that surfaced in 2011, and that has now catalyzed into a world-renowned movement with the help of major personalities. The main purpose of this supportive and encouraging movement was and is to connect survivors of sexual abuse to resources they need to heal. This is exactly what our lawyers are here to do. We will help and support your claims and will also take into consideration and into care the major emotional and psychological along with the physical trauma that occurs with this type of abuse. Do not hesitate to contact us, our attorneys are experts and are ready to help: 833-228-7529.
What is sexual abuse/ sexual harassment?
Sexual abuse comes in many different forms. It is undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another. This doesn’t exempt any age or gender. Abuse is abuse and can happen to anyone. This abuse is often executed using force or taking advantage of another person. However, when any type of force is immediate, of a short duration or infrequent it is called sexual assault. Some examples are:
-Rape or attempted rape
-Unwanted kissing or touching
-Restricting someone’s access to birth control
-Preventing someone from protecting themselves from sexually transmitted infections (STI’s)
-Any form of sexual contact with someone who is impaired (drunk, drugged, unconscious or unable to give a clear and informed “yes” or “no”)
-Pressuring or threatening someone into uncontested sexual activity.
It is of extreme importance to highlight how sexual abuse triggers emotional and psychological trauma as well as physical, and our lawyers take these aspects into high regard when composing your claims. Therefore, if you know of someone or if you are a victim of sexual abuse out lawyers are willing and ready to support and help you. Call us at 833-228-7529.
Sexual Abuse Statistics
1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men will be raped at one point in their lives.
8% of rapes happen whilst the victim is at work
Rape is the most unreported crime
81% of women and 35% of men report vital short- or long-term impacts such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
8 out of 10 cases of rape, the victim knew the perpetrator
Only 28% of victims of sexual abuse report their case
Will you be that 72% who suffer in silence? We are here to help get the support and justice you deserve. Our lawyers are defiant and want to offer our services to you.
One of the most common psychological reactions a victim of sexual abuse can experience.
Memories of past traumas feeling like they are happening in the present.
-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Feelings of anxiety, stress, and fear (unable to cope)
-Eating disorders
-Sexually Transmitted Diseases
-Substance Abuse
-Sleep Disorders
These are some of the effects that survivors experience and our lawyers can help and support you to overcome them. And learning more about them will allow you to find the best care allowing you to begin the healing process.
1) Get to a safe place away from the attacker
You may be scared, angry and probably confused. But remember that you are not at fault.
2) Contact someone you trust
Remember you are not alone. Having some emotional support is exactly what you need. Speak to a counselor or someone at a sexual assault hotline, or even a support group.
3) Report the incident straight to the police
Write down any specific details that you remember, the place of assault, the name of the attacker (if known), the type of assault. Do not change or destroy any evidence. If you are going to any police station ask a friend or someone you trust to assist you.
4) Go to either an Emergency room or a Health clinic
It is imperative that you seek health care as soon as possible. You will be taken special care of and given any support whether emotional, physical, psychological or medicinal.
Any form of sexual abuse is a crime and the perpetrator could hopefully face criminal charges. While there is the likelihood of the offender facing penalties, jail sentence, and fines there is only one way that a victim of sexual abuse will be able to secure compensation and that is through civil action. There is an unlikelihood however of not securing any compensation unless the perpetrator is especially wealthy. This is due to the damages that are produced in this particular lawsuit, may exceed the offender’s resources.
What can the victim of sexual abuse do in this type of situation?
Sue the offender for medical expenses (treating lasting physical harms and effects from abuse)
Petitioner can sue for finances of ongoing treatments both rehabilitative (therapy, counseling) and medical (prescriptions)
However, there will be circumstances where the perpetrator will not be able to pay the petitioner this compensation if that is the case our lawyers will be able to find other avenues to ensure that compensation is paid. An example of this is suing other defendants who may also be accountable for the abuse of the victim. This could be a company or business like a school, which was aware of the abuse, inflicted on the victim but didn’t act upon it. This is the point where one of our lawyers could file a joint lawsuit against the organization and the perpetrator. One should note that even if the suit goes through but the perpetrator somehow managed to escape prosecution the victim might still secure some compensation.
If you have experienced any form of sexual abuse do not hesitate to call us on 833-228-7529. Our lawyers understand the traumatic repercussions that occur during an abuse incident, which is why we want to use extreme measures to ensure that our clients get the best assistance care and results when filing civil claims.
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